TV zapping images recorded and re-recorded analogically over and over in order to build multiple layers, in an attempt to arrive to their rarefaction, the transformation of the media itself, the cathodic tube of the televison set, in message. Zona[in]visibilità (invisibility zone) is also a new attempt of painting with a flux of electronic motion images. Images that talk about themselves without an obliged narration. An alternative proposal to the extreme redundancy of the trash TV.
The video content is basically a few hours of zapping from several TV nets. Recoded and re-recorded until the abstraction. Film, video and photography images loose its original figurative and realistic character. This technique of the re-recording film and video is present in many previous MENEGHETTI’s works but in [IN] VISIBILITY ZONE it becomes a vital part of the work. Into both supports used for this show, either photographic or videographic, the primordial characteristic of these mediums are to represent the faithfully reality. In this work these images paradoxically lose its primordial function and they transform into: visible, not-visible or (in) visible. The (in)visible look, the interior look, the inner of the electronic image, to leave itself to lead for the pure perception, to go beyond and discover other images and significations. To help to see the same reality of one another form, where each viewer can discover its own reality, its own truth, in a space where “nothing” coexists with “absolute”.